Categories Chicken Recipes

Chicken Kofta In Walnut Gravy Recipe

Chicken kofta curry may time to prepare but the end taste is absolutely worth it. This Chicken Kofta In Walnut Gravy Recipe  is a nice change from the usual style Kofta. Try it out this Chicken Kofta In Walnut Gravy recipe and don’t forget to leave a comment below.

[one_third] Prep Time:1 hour[/one_third] [one_third]Cook Time: 40 minutes[/one_third] [one_third_last] Servings: 6 [/one_third_last]


[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]

  • 500 gm chicken mince
  • 4 cup chicken stock
  • 4 green chillies
  • 2 medium onions
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
  • a pinch garam masala powder
  • 2 green cardamoms
  • 2 tablespoon fresh cream
  • 2 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
  • salt to taste

[/tab] [tab]Yield: 6 servings

Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]

[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]

Step 1

In a large bowl, mix together the chicken mince, red chilli powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder and salt.

Step 2

Divide mixture into equal portions.

Step 3

Now roll each portion into a ball.

Step 4

Bring chicken stock to boil, crush green cardamoms and mix in to chicken stock.

Step 5

Mix in chicken balls to boiling stock, lower the heat up and continue to stir fry until chicken balls are cooked and stock has almost evaporated. Set aside.

Step 6

Wash and cut green chilies. Boil walnuts and then grind in to a fine paste.

Step 7

Take off and boil onions, remove and grind to a paste.

Step 8

Heat up oil in a skillet or wok. Add boiled onion paste. Cook and stir until oil begins to separate.

Step 9

Now add ginger, garlic paste and green chillies. Cook and stir for a moment. Add tomato paste.

Step 10

Bring to a boil. Stir in the walnut paste.

Step 11

Lower the heat, mix in fresh cream, stirring continuously.

Step 12

Put koftas into the skillet. Bring to a boil and adjust seasoning.
Cook for 10 minutes or until sauce is thickened.

Step 13

Take it out in a dish. Chicken Kofta In walnut Gravy is ready to serve.

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  • Serve with rice or paratha.

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