Welcome to My Kitchen Garden

Aslam-o-Alakum to All & A Big Welcome to My Kitchen Garden!!

This is my first blogpost in “My Kitchen Garden” section. ( All about simple and efficient gardening). I have a small gardening space with a HIGH ambitions of having all kind of plants in my garden.

So I try space saving ideas to get the best from my container garden whether it be vertical and crate gardening.
Last year, I started gardening as a hobby from [highlight]herbs, veggies and strawberries [/highlight]and now enjoying eating what I sow. This My Kitchen Garden section will be a bridge from my past to the future. All work inclusive (InshaAllah).

Welcome to My Kitchen Garden
Welcome to My Kitchen Garden

What is a Kitchen Garden

Gardening is a great way to spend time with the family as well as create a unity with the process of making food.

To me a Kitchen Garden is quite simply: 

A garden designed and planted with food production in mind. The objective is not just self-sufficiency, it is to have a wonderful variety of fresh and flavorsome food growing in your own backyard.

For many this means growing fruits and vegetables using organic methods. For me personally I use a[highlight] minimal chemical approach, and try to deal with soil health, plant nutrition and pest problems[/highlight] without the use of chemicals where possible.

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Here are some thoughts from others:


A garden, the, is a finite place, in which a gardener (or several gardeners) has created, working with or against nature, a plot whose intention it is to provide pleasure; possibly in the form of beauty, possibly in the form of cabbages – and possibly, beautiful cabbages.

   – Abby Adams, The Gardener’s Gripe Book



Growing vegetables, herbs and fruit to pick fresh and crisp from our Kitchen Garden is important for our health and well-being. A Kitchen Garden provides the opportunity to experience eating really fresh vegetables. It also provides the opportunity to engage with plants, to experience the rewards of nurturing, to understand food and our relationship with food, to learn the challenges of food production and food security and to engage in productive physical exercise. Then of course, there’s the sheer joy of harvesting, cooking and sharing own home grown vegetables, herbs and fruit.

_ Stephen Forbes



For all things produced in a garden, whether of salads or fruits, a poor man will eat better that has one of his own, than a rich man that has none.
– J. C. Loudoun



With home grown produce, you know it’s fresh and safe to eat, Then there’s the unparalleled satisfaction of knowing you grew it yourself. These are the accepted reasons behind our current renaissance in growing fresh produce at home. But I suggest we must also add a growing community awareness of the need to reconnect with nature and the environment around us. Is there a better way of achieving this than simply spending quality time in the garden growing your own fresh food ?

_ Jon Lamb



The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture.
– Thomas Jefferson



When gardening, I have one gift. You won’t find in any manuals – I know it’s strange, but I can change. Perennials to annuals.”

_ Dick Emmons


I would love to have all of my readers to join me in this excited journey. 🙂 ♥

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